Sunday Worship at General Council 43

Event date: 7/22/2018 9:45 AM - 12:30 PM Export event

Sunday Worship at General Council 43

No Worship Service here on Sunday, July 22nd (And there is a great reason why!!!!!)

As we have been announcing General Council 43 will be happening in Oshawa this year.  On Sunday, July 22nd at 9:45 a.m. our Moderator Jordan Cantwell has invited all the churches in the area to cancel their Sunday service and come and be part of the opening worship to kick off this week which could result in a new Spirit blowing as we look at a new way of living church with the remits. Dunbarton-Fairport has made the decision to do this!!!

Worship and Session both have recommended that we do this and join the huge crowd at Durham college. Our chair of the Official Board has also endorsed our recommendation. So we will be organizing car pooling for that day.  

This will give you an unforgettable experience of over 1000 people (at least) who will be singing and praying with one voice and celebration Communion.

From the GC43 website:  

Plenary - (Gyms 3-5 CRWC)


Our thanks to Elder Grafton Antone, who will begin Sunday worship by leading us in the Indigenous Edge of the Woods ceremony. The ceremony will culminate in a procession from the “woods” into our “village” (the plenary space) where worship will continue led by Rev. Miriam Spies.

You and your congregation can follow along with the attached worship service outline. Streaming of the ceremony begins at 9:45 a.m.

Worship Ideas

Listen for: music celebrating United Church composers and lyricists, delivered by our music team, Saya Ojiri and Bri-anne Swan.

  • Listen for: stories of who we are as The United Church of Canada.
  • Listen for: abundance when we fear scarcity, both in our scripture (Mark 6:30‒34), and from our preacher (the Rev. Miriam Spies of Hamilton Conference, our rep to the World Council of Churches).
  • Watch for: ASL interpreters making this worship accessible, enriching us with a language new to many of us.

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